Fabry disease: A lifelong, progressive condition1-3
The long-term challenges of life with Fabry1-3
Fabry disease is a rare genetic disease that causes significant clinical manifestations in multiple organ systems over time.

Fabry can affect all cell types within the kidneys, even with minimal proteinuria and normal eGFR.4

- By age 35, ~50% of patients have proteinuria, typically the early sign of renal decline5

- Decreasing eGFR progresses to kidney failure over time1,2,6
- By age 30 or 40, clinical intervention is often necessary1,2,6
- 40 years old is the mean age of kidney failure in Fabry2,7

- Younger males at 41.8 years of age developed chronic kidney disease vs females at 51.9 years of age8
- 6x more males progressed to end-stage renal disease than females (49 vs 8, respectively)8
- Males and females reached end-stage renal disease at approximately the same age: 39.5 for males, 42.4 for females8
The hidden impact on females
eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate.
Here are a few patients you might see in your practice:
and the effects it can have over time.1,3
How to measure successful Fabry treatment:

Sustained efficacy
Watching for new or more frequent symptoms, such as Fabry crises, can help identify disease progression or loss of treatment effect1,11,12

Treatment experience
Premedications and infusion durations can add up to a lengthy overall time commitment12

Immune response
Monitoring and managing ADAs over time is an important part of monitoring treatment response12

Ongoing IRRs and adverse events can affect patient satisfaction and compliance12
Starting and staying on treatment is crucial,1,2 so encourage your patients to notify you of any new or ongoing issues.
PEG, polyethylene glycol.